英 [ɪm'pɒstʃə]美[ɪm'pɑstʃɚ]
- n. 欺诈,欺骗;冒牌
1. im- "into, in, on, upon" + post- + -ure.
2. 字面含义:put upon, place upon, a laying on.
3. => sb put himself upon the position which belongs to another.
4. 也就是说某人将他自己放置在本来属于别人的位置上。
5. put something bad like deception on sb.
6. 或者说:以次充好,以假乱真,以假代真。=> 欺骗、欺诈。
7. put false on true, put false replace true.
2. 字面含义:put upon, place upon, a laying on.
3. => sb put himself upon the position which belongs to another.
4. 也就是说某人将他自己放置在本来属于别人的位置上。
5. put something bad like deception on sb.
6. 或者说:以次充好,以假乱真,以假代真。=> 欺骗、欺诈。
7. put false on true, put false replace true.
imposture 冒名行骗
im-,进入,使,-post,放置,词源同posture,compose. 引申词义放置,替代,冒名行骗。
- imposture (n.)
- "act of willfully deceiving others," 1530s, from Middle French imposture, from Late Latin impostura, from impostus (see impost).
- 1. Soiled by her imposture she remains silent.
- 她背着冒名顶替者的黑锅却一直沉默。
- 2. What tithes and tricks but an imposition, all a confounded imposture ? - and I can prove it.
- 有一件事情最让他觉得噩梦般骇人, 便是他从来闹不清楚,为什么要这般大张旗鼓地搞欺骗.
- 3. What are an imposition, all a confounded imposture? - and I can prove it.
- 什么 是宗教税,什么是宗教礼节, 都是骗人的,乱七八糟的事,我并且可以证实.